Looney Tune Dash安全下载游戏攻略
Looney Tune Dash is one of the best running games. Endless running games: run and run, run until the runner want to stop.
Looney tunes is a cartoon games with lots of cartoon character: Bunny is a lovely rabbit, not a bug. Bugs are not called Bunny or Rabbit.
Bunny is the fastest rabbit on running games, in the race, subway. Run in the country roads, surf and jump
Tunes are what? There is a tune called Looney. People also call it Looney tunes. Subway is a perfect place for playing running games, catching games. Run in a rush, surf, catch each other with dash, dash games or rush games.
Duck, pig, bunny or rabbit are very cute cartoon characters. In this arcade game: bunny, bugs, tweet are supper runner. Run and jump, collect a lot of coins to win the dash games!
Bugs bunny is a lovely rabbit. Tunes is the best games for everyone
Daffy duck is a very cute duck. Dash, coin are what Daffy loves
Porky pig is a coin collecting master, fast one of piggies. Tunes Dash is one of the most popular games in the world
Elmer is a running kid, called Fudd. Loody, BUNNY and bugs are Elmer's best friends on the cartoons game!
How to play Looney Tune Dash, TUNES DASH, subway or running games:
+ Swipe left to turn left
+ Swipe right to turn right
+ Swipe forward to jump
+ Swipe backward to scroll
Game features of Looney tune DASH 2018:
- 3D Game
- Vivid sound and music
- Intersting graphic effect
- looney toons character
- Thrilling moment, death speed with Looney Tune Dash
- Come back for daily challenges and earn exclusive rewards!
- Great graphics and amazing performance on all devices!
- FREE updates, new Bunny characters are added regularly
- Collect coins and chase the rainbow for a coin boost!
- Choose from the 8 cutest and coolest Rabbit Bunny characters, each with new accessories!
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