My First Love Kiss Story - Cute Love Affair Game安全下载游戏攻略
Hey guys, Gameimake has come up with another educational fun game "My First Love Kiss Story - Cute Love Affair Game". Everyone remembers their first kiss. It is a memorable experience. In this game, two cousins, brother and sister are sharing their first kiss experience. It's gonna be fun to learn kissing experience.
William and Riley are two cousins who are true besties. One day they were talking about their love life. During the conversation, they initiated to talk about their first kiss story. So first William starts telling about her first kiss with Carol. William impressed Carol and get in contact with each other. They become good friends and go on a date. There, he and Carol kissed for the first time and they committed their love. After William's story, it's Riley's turn. She tells William that How she and Evan got in touch and go on a date. On a beautiful beach, Riley and Evan make their first kiss and share their feelings.
"What factors should be considered before a kiss?" is illustrated in this game. Waiting for signals, when to back off, which shows green signal, etc. are covered in the game with lots of fun task and kissing prank game.
Key Features :
- Learn to perform a kiss without a conflict
- Enjoy the amazing kissing story
- Getting ready for the first kiss
- Cleaning activities like Bath & Brush
- Enjoy romantic lunch
- An amazing bond between cousins
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《Love Balls》是一款规则很简单,只要画线或形状来撞击球,但是需要意志、智慧和想象力的益智类游戏,有玩家不知道第69关线条该怎么画,下面就让小编来告诉大家吧(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
Love Balls第69关怎么过
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《Love Rocks!心跳宝石》里的环球之旅
在《Love Rocks!心跳宝石》里,不仅有Rovio创作者们天马行空的想象力和夏奇拉得自冥想的灵感,还有遍游世界寻找珍贵宝石的趣味故事!值得一提的是,出现在游戏里的景观都有现实原型,而且都和拉丁天后夏奇拉的经历有关,让我们一起来看吧!
《Love Rocks!心跳宝石》开发花絮
Rovio新推出的《Love Rocks!心跳宝石》可以说是一款别具一格的三消手游,参与这款游戏的设计者不仅有《愤怒的小鸟》的制作人,还有拉丁天后——夏奇拉,这位出生于哥伦比亚的大美女可是南非世界杯主题曲的演唱者!
两者又是如何思维碰撞,并创造出的《Love Rocks!心跳宝石》的呢?看了下面这些花絮,没准你会被开发者们迸发的热情给打动哟!