Poke Stroy安全下载游戏攻略
Poke Story -- The Newest Mobile Game Integrated with capture, cultivation, collection and battle. Over 720 different kinds of pets for you to catch. Each pet has four evolutaion ways. Evolution will not only change the appearance and attribute but also bring you a surprising play way beyond your imagination. The pet can transform into MEGA form to help you defeat your opponent!
◆Features System◆
◆No Version Restriction——Poke Story has collected all the monsters from every version! You will be no longer resticted by game version, go and catch want you want!
◆Battle Control——In Poke Story you can enchant ultimate skill in time to break your enemy. And you can also use the Poke Ball to capture the enemy monster.
◆Skills Combo——In battle, pets Each pet has his own exclusive skill. Coordinate the corresponding pet to trigger the skills combo.
◆Nature Restrain——Fire, Water, Grass, Flying, Electricity ,Earth...different nature restrict each others. It is a great challenge for trainer to embattle the group before battle and enchant the special skills combo. By using tactics you can defeat the strong by the week.
Cutie anime style——Poke Story faithfully revive the poke story! Make good use of levelup, promotion, evolution and MEGA form to feel the surprising art of combat.
王者荣耀安琪拉POKE流阵容推荐 五排开黑很无敌,安琪拉阵容怎么选择?作为一名胜率极高的法师英雄,今天小编为大家安利安琪拉阵容搭配体系,这套阵容五黑十分厉害,下面跟小编一起来看看安琪拉阵容吧。
弈星走爆发还是打POKE 弈星铭文搭配是个问题,弈星是一名新英雄,这位英雄有着非常强的对线能力和团战收割能力,在铭文搭配上面弈星应该怎么选择?今天小编就为大家介绍弈星四级铭文和五级铭文的选择搭配。