Romantic Love Story In The Night Valentine安全下载游戏攻略
Hello friend .. !!! We from NICStudions Developer will come back with an amazing valentine game. this game is a story about girls on the college faculty named Maya and the same college faculty kids named Pankgulus who is the best friend forever. Maya and Pankgulus actually have the same feelings but they can not express their feelings .. Let's help out on this Valentine's Day by meeting them in this game ..
Both Maya Parents are on vacation out of town for 2 days..Maya feel very lonely at home. Maya summoned Pankgulus to come to accompany the lonely Maya. The first thing you should do is help Maya call and chat Pankgulus. and finally Pankgulus approves Maya's invitation to visit the house. Then Maya began to think that on the night of valentine there should be preparation at home, especially in the living room there should be a neatly arranged valentine jewelry. Then your job will help Maya clean up the house, help cover her face, help find clothes and hair styles that are suitable for the arrival of Pankgulus.
But Pankgulus also began to think for a happy heart on this valentine night. Pankgulus started buying cakes and flowers to bring Maya home.
Let's help Pankgulus find cakes and flowers that are suitable for Maya.
after which Pankgulus was nervous before going to Maya's house. he shook his hand to drive his car. Our job again .. we have to carry Pankgulus safely to Maya's house without any road accidents.
if accidents happen on the road then Pankgulus will be late returning to Maya house.
Arrive Pankgulus Mayan home suddenly ... Upssss..and house Maya dead lights .. we have to help her again to look for lights while at home Maya ....
Kira-Kira What happened between Maya and Pankgulus ????
Continue the story journey by playing this Game game ...
Romantic features in this app are:
- Make a Makeup
- Spa treatments for girls
- Game driving car
- Car parking properly and correctly
- Real-time animation with cool design
- Incredible romantic experience
- Valentine's extraordinary love story
- Find objects for Valentine's night
- Choose a romantic decoration for her bedroom
- Take Valentine's Day gift for boys
- Enjoy romantic dances and poses
- Capture amazing moments with cool poses
- Love story game for girls!
Play Valentine's love game. have fun and share with family & friends to share love.
Hello Friend .. !!! Developers from NICStudions We will come back with an amazing valentine game. this game is a story about girls on the college faculty named Maya and the same faculty college kids named Pankgulus who is your best friend forever. Maya and Pankgulus actually have the same feelings but they can not express Reviews their feelings .. Let's help out on this Valentine's Day by meeting them in this game ..
Both Maya Parents are on vacation out of town for 2 days..Maya feel very lonely at home. Maya summoned Pankgulus to come to accompany the lonely Maya. The first thing you should do is help the Maya call and chat Pankgulus. and finally Pankgulus Approves Maya's invitation to visit the house. Then Maya Began to think that on the night of Valentine there should be preparation at home, especially in the living room there should be a neatly arranged valentine jewelry. Then your job Maya will help clean up the house, help cover her face, help find clothes and hair styles that are suitable for the arrival of Pankgulus.
But Pankgulus Also Began to think for a happy valentine's heart on this night. Pankgulus started buying cakes and flowers to bring Maya home.
Let's help Pankgulus find cakes and flowers that are suitable for Maya.
after the which Pankgulus was nervous before going to Maya's house. he shook his hand to drive his car. Our job again .. we have to carry Pankgulus safely to Maya's house without any road accidents.
if accidents happen on the road then Pankgulus will be late returning to Maya house.
Suddenly arrive home Pankgulus Mayan ... Maya dead Upssss..and house lights .. we have to help her again to look for lights while at home Maya ....
Approximately What happened between Maya and Pankgulus ????
Continue the story journey by playing this game the game ...
Romantic features in this app are:
- Make a Makeup
- Spa treatments for girls
- Game driving car
- Car parking properly and Correctly
- Real-time animation with cool design
- Incredible romantic experience
- Valentine's extraordinary love story
- Find objects for Valentine's night
- Choose a romantic decoration for her bedroom
- Take Valentine's Day gift for boys
- Enjoy romantic dances and poses
- Capture amazing moments with cool poses
- Love story games for girls!
Play Valentine's love game. have fun and share with family and friends to share love.
《White Night》是一款优秀的冒险解谜游戏,神秘的黑白风格和严密的解谜环节令玩家们津津乐道。这令人着迷的游戏体验将在移动平台延续,法国独立游戏工作室 OSome Studio 宣布,预计于今年秋季全球同步发行《White Night》手机版,而且还将推出官方中文版,由可为互娱代理发行。一起来了解一下吧!
预定于2017年推出的OTOMATE手机游戏新作《战刻Night Blood》今日公开了4名新追加的出演声优,分别为森久保祥太郎(真田信之)、村濑歩(猿飞佐助)、北村谅(雾隠才蔵)、冈本信彦(伊达成実)。
《战刻Night Blood》是IDEA FACTORY联合KADOKAWA和MARVELOUS推出的大型女性向手机游戏,游戏集合了OTOMATE旗下众多知名画师参与,因此被玩家戏称为画师...
预定于2017年推出的OTOMATE手机游戏新作《战刻Night Blood》今日公开了4名新追加的出演声优,分别为森久保祥太郎(真田信之)、村濑歩(猿飞佐助)、北村谅(雾隠才蔵)、冈本信彦(伊达成実)。
《战刻Night Blood》是IDEA FACTORY联合KADOKAWA和MARVELOUS推出的大型女性向手机游戏,游戏集合了OTOMATE旗下众多知名画师参与,因此被玩家戏称为画师...