Dota Slash安全下载游戏攻略
Dota Slash is a free live competitive game that puts your Dota 2 knowledge to the test! Challenge your friends or clash with new people who share your passion for Dota 2. In real time, of course! Become a Dota 2 master with Dota Slash!
◆ The Game
Kick some butts in Dota-related topics! Choose a quick, real-time match with your friends or randomly play other people from around the globe. Climb the ladder and earn the top rating through the season.
◆ Features
- More than 10000 unique questions about Dota 2 game mechanics, items, builds etc.
- Questions in English and Russian (more translations are coming soon!).
- Facebook, VK and Steam Connect: challenge your friends easily.
- Detailed post-game statistics and match history.
- Ratings scoreboard: see where you stand compared to your friends and the best players in the game.
- Account is synchronized, so you can enjoy the game from any device and retain your progress.
- Regular updates to make sure you have the questions about the latest Dota 2 patch.
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