Hellix Ball - Arcade安全下载游戏攻略
Gire as hélices para que a bola caia entre elas!
Não deixe que a bola toque as partes erradas, marcadas com cor diferente
Tente descer o máximo que conseguir e liberar novos obstáculos
Turn the propeller so that the ball fell between them!
Do not let the ball touch the wrong parts, marked with different color
Try to get down as much as you can and release new obstacles
【实况视频】Dancing Ball 跳舞的球——Castle 城堡篇,来看看大神是怎么通关城堡副本的吧。...
【石皮幼鸟解说】跳舞的球Island 岛屿篇视频,来看看大神是怎么通关岛屿篇副本的吧。...
Aim ball上线已经有一段时间了,这次的版本更新又会有哪些新奇的东西呢?不过在这次的安装包升级中,有玩家出现了安装失败的情况,那么要怎么办呢?如何解决?下面九游小编就来为大家解决Aim ball更新不了/安装失败的解决方法,希望对大家有帮助哦!
Aim ball新版本更新内容:
New super addictive game coming at your way! Aim ball ...