Dragon Pizza Delivery安全下载游戏攻略
Enjoy one of the latest pizza food delivery games. This pizza delivery simulator is designed for people who love to play the role of pizza delivery dragon. We can assure you that 3D pizza delivery games were never such before. This pizza delivery simulator allows you to perform the roles of both pizza delivery driver and Dragon Simulator.This new 3D game promises some great features that you definitely need to explore in detail. So, get ready for a super DRAGON PIZZA DELIVERY fun!
This game is a modern pizza delivery simulator in which our role is to drive the Dragon and deliver pizzas. We have to go around the city looking for different locations. Our goal is to drive the Dragon and deliver pizzas to the clients as fast as we can without getting late. Deliver the cargo at the customer’s door; that we will operate by using the joystick provided on the screen. Deliver hot Italian pizza packageto earn good tip from audience. Our aim is to perform the job carefully and earn money.Pizza Dragon duty is very tough with hurdles and challenging job! We have a specific time limit in each level to deliver food.
Easy to Play and Fun loaded game.
Dragon Pizza Delivery is made for all fans of flying dragon games, Simulation games and Dinosaur games
A free roaming game where you can go any where and explore frozen forest at Christmas, New year,Halloween or at Easter.
✔ Different type of Dragons
✔ Wild Animals
✔ Realistic Enviroment
✔ Incredible flying fire dragon model
✔ Stunning HD Graphics
✔ Realistic dragon animations
✔ Beautiful Landscapes
✔ Easy and Free to use
✔ No WiFi? No Problem.
✔ Offline Play
Enjoy ツ
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