Roll Over Dice - The brain is rolled!安全下载游戏攻略
This is a puzzle game that rolls over the dice and gains score.
If the number of the dice is greater than or equal to the number of the floor you gain score.
Let's aim for high score with COMBO and FEVER!
- Tap in the direction to roll over the dice.
- Swipe to rotate the view.
[How to play]
- STAMP: with a larger number.
number of floor ≤ number of dice.
If the number of the dice is greater than or equal to the number of the floor it gain score.
- COMBO: Essence of high score.
Combo bonus is added when the dice stamps consecutively.
Let's be anticipating so that the combo will not be interrupted.
- STEP: Number of times you can roll over.
You can roll over the dice as many as the number of STEP.
Stamping a green number will increase STEP.
- FEVER: Invincible state.
When you stamp with the same number as the floor, the number of the dice turn red.
FEVER starts when all sides of the dice turn red.
During 6 STEP, all sides of the dice will be "6".
That means invincible!
这个世界有一种玩家叫大触,例如视频中的这位大神玩家,三分四十秒通关Getting Over It《掘地求升》。小熊只能默默的看大触表演,然后刷屏6666666666,换作自己亲自上阵,怕是爬到明年都还在山脚!
steam游戏推荐:《Getting Over It 》是一个惩罚性的攀岩游戏,对Jazzuo的2002推出的B类游戏经典《迷人远足》表示敬意。你用鼠标移动锤子可可以了。通过练习,你可以跳跃,摇摆,爬升和飞跃。伟大的奥秘和美秒的回报等待着登顶的远足者。引用Jazzuo的话:“游戏中的徒步和现实生活中的非常相似,记住这一点,你会做得很好”。