4 Slike 1 Rijec安全下载游戏攻略
Logika igre je da pogodi jednu reč, vi ste pokazali 4 slike koje sakriti ni jednu riječ. Igra je pogodan za obožavatelje zagonetkama, zagonetke.
Intuitivna lijepo i jasno dizajn, tamna svetlu boju igru, čini igru sigurno za oči! Igrati dan i noć u slobodno vrijeme.
★ Igra je besplatno, i dostupna 100% za sve zemlje! ★
- Uspostavljen.
- Otkrio.
- Igra i pobjeda!
★ Lako i izazovno nivoe za svi ★
- Prvi pola je lako ali za neke, to će biti teško.
- Druga polovina je teško, i za druge to je postalo tesko.
★ Igra je pogodan za sve uzraste ★
- Igra je 100% na ruskom.
- Interfejs je jednostavan i zgodan.
★ Karakteristike igru 4 Sliku 1 Riječ ★
- Dugme da se pokaže u pitanju cela rec.
- Pitaj prijatelji dugme.
- Jedno za tačan odgovor dobiti nagrade, u obliku zvijezde.
- Možete povećati slike i vidim u detalje.
- Igra automatski spašava završen nivoima.
The game's logic is to hit one word, you've shown 4 images to hide a single word. The game is suitable for fans of puzzles, puzzles.
Intuitive beautiful and clear design, dark light color game, makes the game safe for the eyes! Play day and night in free time.
★ Game is free, and available 100% for all countries! ★
- Established.
- Discovered.
- Play and win!
★ Easy and challenging levels for everyone ★
- The first half is easy but for some, it will be difficult.
- The other half is difficult, and for others it has become difficult.
★ The game is suitable for all ages ★
- The game is 100% in Russian.
- The intece is simple and convenient.
★ Characteristics of the game 4 Picture 1 Word ★
- Let's talk about the whole rec.
- Ask the buddy friends.
- One for the correct answer to receive reward, in the form of a star.
- You can enlarge the pictures and see the details.
- The game automatically saves completed levels.
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