Code Rampage : Destroy' em All安全下载游戏攻略
the goal of every stage is to destroy all the buildings going all rampage in each city while avoiding or destroying the military forces. If the player takes too long in destroying the city, jets will fly in and bomb the remaining buildings with kong, ending the stage with a lower score.
In this game, the player has some control over the course of the game. In the first level, Peoria, a touri billboard cycles through different regions in the country (Northeast, Southwest, etc.). Destroying the billboard when it is showing one of these regions will send the player in that direction.
Players may also choose to eat or ignore the "World Tour" powerups and control which country they can visit. After getting a World Tour power-up, the next few levels will take place in a foreign location until a Scum-labs plant is destroyed.
The game will not end until every Scumlabs city has been destroyed, which may cause some erratic traveling around towards the end of the game (including multiple world tour trips if the players have missed or purposely kept from getting world tour flags).
The Alchemist Code是游戏开发商Gumi在日本发布的手机游戏,该游戏是一款炼金术士题材并拥有完整角色阵容的SRPG类型的游戏。
Gumi公司的首席执行官兼总裁Hironao kun在谈这款游戏时兴奋地说到:“炼金术士的故事吸引了许多日本的玩家,并在日本赢得了一个狂热的粉丝群体,在世界范围内引起了越来越大的兴趣和讨论。”我很高兴的宣布,我们将在即将到来的手机游戏《炼金术士密码》...
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