Challenge The Ball安全下载游戏攻略
The game relies mainly on jumping and moving between the sides of the game left and right in order to maintain the life of the ball and not to collide in the traps and characters developed by the enemy and also enables you to share your results on Facebook with your friends to any communication sites
How can I play?
Move the finger
from right to left
Escape from the traps
Get features inside the game
In order to overcome many stages
Please, if you want to write a comment about the game, please send it in my account in nice or facebook in order to preview the game and satisfy everyone
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Red Ball即将来袭了,各位小伙伴都准备好要玩这款游戏了吗?不过有很多玩家可能都不知道Red BalliOS版本和安卓版本什么时候能玩,更不用说什么时候可以下载了。Red Ball公布后,通常会测试一段时间,所以小编大胆预测Red Ball将会近期有得玩!
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