Turtles : Mutant Ninja Quiz安全下载游戏攻略
in this quiz app you can find many guess who questions about your favorite cartoon show : teenage turtles or ninja mutant . which contains a lot of inspiring characters such as master splinter and his turtle students Michelangelo, Raphael, and Donatello and Leonardo each of them has a mask with different color blue , orange , red and purple . they also have multiple weapons such as : Katana swords , Bo staff , dual nunchucks , sai pair and ninja smoke bombs .
they fight against shredder and Kraang in dimension x .and their favorite food is pizza .
Booyakasha !!!!
Enjoy this quiz and increase your knowledge about Ninja Teenage turtles.
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由海参鲍鱼独立游戏工作室所开发的日语学习游戏《Japanglish Quiz》,目前已在Google应用商店和App Store双平台上架。
任何人学习外语都会有口音的问题,而日本人因为母语中缺乏气音与卷舌音,因此学习英文念法时非常不适应,再加上大量使用片假名来辅助学习,最后就形成了一种发音可爱、日本宇宙才能通行的Japanglish(日式英文)。而《Japanglish Quiz》就是一款...
绝地求生MK47伤害怎么样?MK47是游戏最新上线的突击步枪,很多玩家都想知道这把枪到底怎么样,下面就小编来看看MK47 Mutant属性解析吧。
MK47 Mutant在所有地图(艾伦格,米拉玛,萨诺)刷新。
MK47 Mutant为使用7.62mm子弹的突击步枪,标准弹匣容量为20发,使用扩容弹匣可扩充至30发。
MK47 Mutant的射击模式...