Harvest Level安全下载游戏攻略
Harvest Level is an addictive free brain training workout that uses different brain games to challenge IQ, memory and critical thinking.
Challenge yourself, train your brain and climb the levels!
Increasing difficulty, tricky and mind-blowing games, can you win it?
In 20-30 seconds, solve with the correct answer! Speed quiz, guess the pic, logo game.
Examples of question:
Hand is to Glove as head is to
Yellow is to Blue as Football is to
Bread, Flour, Egg, Bake -> what are they?
And more!
App's Features:
-User friendly interface
-Hint given (or you can solve it without the hint)
-Access the score board, check your score and see how you are performing in different brain games.
-Various games with various levels
Think you can solve it? Challenge it! Enjoy quality time on your android.
和平精英中解锁战胜黑夜模式需要mugen level 5,那么这个mugen level是什么呢。又怎么升级呢?下面给大家带来和平精英mugen level升级方法介绍
mugen level其实就是冒险等级,玩家们可以通过在僵尸模式中击杀僵尸获取经验进行升级。
以上就是游戏中的mugen level升级方法的介绍了,不清楚的朋友可以看看,希望能帮到大家。...
又是这关攻略,下面就为大家详细讲解That Level Again全关卡图文攻略,希望这篇又是这关通关攻略对有在玩这款游戏的小伙伴们有所帮助。
游戏简介:《又是这关 That Level Again》是一款十分好玩的解谜闯关类游戏。在游戏中玩家要通过游戏提示在同一张地图内演绎数十种不同的过关方法。每一关的题目都暗示了这关的过关技巧,如果还是没有领悟出来的话,也可以点击屏幕左上角的灯泡按钮获取过关...