Mahjong School: Learn Japanese Mahjong Riichi安全下载游戏攻略
Mahjong School: Learn Japanese Mahjong Riichi
Mahjong School is where you can learn to play Mahjong. Mahjong School is focus on helping you learn Japanese style Mahjong, which is also almost the same as the European style (Riichi) and US style Mahjong. It may be a little different from Chinese, Hong Kong or Taiwan style, but if you succeeded learn the Japanese style, you can easily switch to the other style.
Mahjong School has three ways to help you learn Japanese Mahjong.
1 The Mahjong calculator.
You can click to add tiles to hand or TING, CHOW, PON, CHI to make a winning hand. You can also set various conditions, such as DORA and self-draw. After set completed, the calculator will calculate the hand of FU and point for you, with detailed descriptions such as hand names.
2 The simple tutorial.
This tutorial lists all the HAN for you, including an example hand and a description.
3 A practice mode.
You can play Mahjong directly with AI. The AI is entry level and it’s very friendly for Mahjong learners. Practice is the best way to learn Mahjong.
If you have any problem or suggestion, please send EMAIL.
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