2 Player Space Shooter Retro Games Return安全下载游戏攻略
Why play 2 player games like rock, paper, scissors to make a decision, when you can play a new quick epic game of... *Epic music starts with a sweet drop*... 2 PLAYER SPACE SHOOTER - Blue vs Red!
Basis of game is:
-Each player is on opposing sides of the screen and you have 2 Game Modes.
-Every time player red or blue wins, it gives them a point to the score on the main screen. Pick a color and see how many people you can beat!
Game Modes:
- Slide Shooter Mode: Tap the arrows to shoot and move. Don't get trapped by the other player's laser beam path!
- Hunt Mode: Turn using the arrows and shoot with the red button. The ships will move forward once you let go of the arrows. Make sure to shoot while you spin!
Red and Blue were part of an elite space program back on Earth. One day they were given an assignment for a covert operation in deep interstellar space. They were told the mission would take 15 years and had an extreme level of risk. Red and Blue were given a day to think about it. Red and Blue were great friends and even better partners, so they decided they would take the mission.
After 1 week of interstellar travel things started to go wrong. Red and Blue started to argue about their favorite donut. This was the start of the madness.
2 weeks later, red and blue were at the end of their ropes and ready for battle.
When they were passing Pluto they both spotted an asteroid. One of their favorite things was to shoot asteroids, so naturally they both wanted to shoot this one asteroid. They glanced at each other and shot off their plasma bolts. The bolts bounced off each other narrowly missing the asteroid. This was the last straw. The 2 friends were now enemies. The 2 friends were now 2 players in an endless battle!
Ruclin is not responsible for possible loss of friendships or damage to your phone...
Space Marshals有哪些武器?太空刑警武器属性怎么样?太空刑警什么武器好?太空刑警Space Marshals有很多的武器哦,那么哪种武器好呢?适合自己呢?下面九游小编就给大家带来详细的武器属性介绍,一起来看看吧!
Space Marshals中所有副武器的详细性能评测,内容包括:
1、Armach Terren 44(阿玛克Terren点44左轮手枪):
群雄逐鹿,问鼎天下!由Miracle Games发行的《一骑当千2》即将登陆微软商店,三国题材游戏向来层出不穷,而《一骑当千2》在诸多游戏中杀出一条血路可以说跟其特色玩法有很大关系的。接下来小编就带你,横扫千军排山倒海,混战三国古战场!
Miracle Games代理发行的武侠国漫顶峰之作《不良人2》UWP版本自登陆微软商城之后获得玩家的一致好评,更是有众多玩家在我们版块纷纷留言讨论各个英雄的玩法,副本通关秘诀等等,小编整理了游戏英雄介绍的多种玩法,给大家汇编带来精彩呈现,更多贴合原著的玩法为动漫忠实粉丝还原再现,想改变你喜欢那位角色的结局么?跟小编一起来关注精彩玩法吧!