Metal Slayer Ramba Soldier安全下载游戏攻略
Metal Slayer is one of the games associated with childhood of the generation of 8x early 9x, the period when most types of video games
Four-button machines are very popular. The game recreates a fascinating and dramatic gunfight between a warrior and those
The enemy has many modern weapons. The player will be the warrior and enter into the skillful, used gunfights
Rambo gun to shoot down everything blocking your way. So far, despite the emergence of current shooting games
Great, such as shooting flies but this game is still popular, try Metal Slayer to compare games
Which is more attractive.
In this legendary "Rambo Soldiers" game you will play the role of a soldier with equipment
pistols, knives, boom and skills to run, jump, lie ... Your mission is to break into the forest where the enemy is
Strictly occupying and protecting them to destroy them with their equipment
proves to be a brave person who dares to face difficult challenges ahead. Your action must be
Be careful because in the forest there are a lot of thorny traps, just a bit of an opening you will have to give up
In this battle, the enemy troops were arranged everywhere and equipped with all kinds of weapons.
when facing enemy troops or you must act to destroy them or be destroyed by them,
demonstrates that he is a good shooter and goes through all the stages.
Ramba Soldier has a combination of classic shooting game series and other skills to increase the attraction. How to play the game quite
Simple, move forward and destroy enemies that are machines or enemies equipped with advanced weapons.
Become your way. Each type of ammunition in the game has different functions. You can use these moving movies
The keyboard is the same as when playing on an electronic device.
Rambo Soldier still tingles players with good and attractive gameplay about skillful gunfights and bombardments, shooting down all obstacles
My path with the Rambo gun. Each type of ammunition in Metal Slayer game has different functions. After repelling everything
blocking, at the end of each round you encounter each different General with different shapes. Each turn will have 3 networks, if you
using all 3 networks, the game is over.
How to play:
- Use joystick to control metal shooter. Jump to avoid obstacles. Always keep the Shoot button. So easy
Game with pixel graphic - real retro graphic and attractive in game play
Game play smooth, rich sound...
Lots of enemies to fight (trooper, soliders, army, tank, plane, boss ...)
Game play retro and amazing.
Simple controls which can be enjoyed by everyone.
Best shooting game
Compatible with all android devices
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由小岛工作室基於FOX引擎开发的《METAL GEAR SOLID》系列第五代作品序章《METAL GEAR SOLID V》即将在3月20日同步抵达PS3、PS4、Xbox 360和...
《亡灵杀手 Undead Slayer》是一款动作游戏,故事设定相当离奇。游戏中,英姿飒爽的少年夏侯惇作为主角登场,为了守护老大曹操,不断和亡灵展开战斗。多位妇孺皆知的三国名人则作为BOSS怪或者夏侯惇的部将登场。这款游戏令人惊奇之处在于,从策划到游戏开发都是出自一人之手。虽说手游开发比其他平台的游戏相对简单,但从本作完成度来看,足以令人瞠目!
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