Mega the Man 1安全下载游戏攻略
We present to you the classic platform game of the 80s that was very popular in Japan.
On this occasion our protagonist will have to surpass the levels that are presented to him, defeating his adversaries and the final bosses of each zone.
To perform this feat, our protagonist has a powerful robotic suit and a gun located on his left arm.
In the fictional and futuristic year of 20XX, Dr. Thomas Light (Dr. Right in Japan) worked to create a humanoid robot. This robot would demonstrate an advanced artificial intelligence program that allows it to make decisions based on vague commands and directions. He called the project "Robot Master", since the resulting robot would be able to supervise the work of other, less intelligent machines.
Before Dr. Light built what would eventually become Mega Man (Rockman), he designed the Master Robot known as "Proto Man" ("Blues" in Japan), created as a prototype of his future creations. However, before the test of I.A. or that his system was finished, the robot escaped and it was believed that it was destroyed.
Due to the disappearance of Proto Man (Blues), Dr. Light decided to create another robot. Fearing that the disappearance of Proto Man was due to the fact that he did not have a partner, he created two robots in approximately the same time to work as a pair. These robots were called Rock and Roll. Rock was created as a laboratory assistant to Dr. Light. Its purpose was to be a multi-purpose tool. Only by observing how a tool was used, Rock could imitate its use thanks to its Variable System, thus becoming the ideal laboratory assistant. His "sister" (although not really a sister, but a fellow robot), Roll, was designed for cleaning or housewife.
With the success of these two robots, Dr. Light built six more robots, mainly for use in the construction and maintenance of public works
We remind our users that this app is just an emulator for the classic game "Mega man".
游戏背景故事介绍 《Running Man》是韩国SBS推出的超人气新艺术能节目,由七位固定成员及不同嘉宾参演。每期节目对应不同的主题,分不同的队伍进行比赛,获胜者可获得称号或奖品,失败者必须得到惩罚,节目中的撕贴纸等环节收获好评无数。 本游戏中除各成员经典昵称、形象外,更结合节目中的经典环节进行设置,玩家可以真正体验节目中各成员闯关的心路历程。 主要操作方式 控屏操控:向上划屏为跳跃;向下拉屏...
精灵宝可梦Lets Go皮卡丘/伊布中的mega进化是什么?mege进化对宝可梦有什么用?这里小编就给大家带来了精灵宝可梦Lets Go皮卡丘/伊布mega进化系统图文介绍,感兴趣的玩家快来看看吧。
mega进化就是所谓的超级进化,被称为“超越了进化的进化”。 超级进化后的宝可梦将暂时释放隐藏的力量,超越至今为止宝可梦进化的极限。它是宝可梦...