Surprise Eggs for Pokemon G2安全下载游戏攻略
Get ready for great fun with Surprise Eggs. Will you be able to find and collect all Pocket Monsters?
To play just hit the Surprise Egg until it breaks completely and show the hidden Pocket Monster.
Every 10 stages (10, 20, 30, etc), you will face a battle with a legendary Pocket Monster to reach the incredible Golden Egg and win a rare Pocket Monster!
It is also possible to collect golden Surprise Eggs on the trophy screen.
You can check all the Pocket Monsters you found in the Collection menu.
Play enough to capture the rarest and most legendary Pocket Monsters!!!
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Pokemon Go蓝色地标解析
根据IGN的报道,早在今年4月,曾拍摄《魔兽》、《蝙蝠侠》系列、《哥斯拉》等电影的传奇影业便有拍摄《口袋妖怪》电影的计划,并与任天堂展开磋商,同时索尼和华纳兄弟也被报道过类似消息。而随着《口袋妖怪:GO》火爆全球,《口袋妖怪》电影计划再次被传奇影业提出,有传言说传奇影业即将获得授权,网上还流传着编剧Max Landis(代表作《超能失控》)正在为了真人电影撰写剧本,但均未得到证实。