Dolphin Show Games For安全下载游戏攻略
Dolphin Show Games For Free - Is your little one a big lover of dolphins or whales? If so, he or she is sure to love all of the animals found in the dolphin games free for kids app. This exciting activity app is filled with engaging Dolphin Sounds and Whale Sounds your little child can explore...but the whale games for kids doesn't end there. The activity app also comes with an Fun Dolphin Match Game and a Beautiful, Real Dolphin and Whale Puzzle Game.
Designed for 2 years and up. Gameplay is very simple and suited for younger children - when the sound of a sea animal is played your kid needs to touch on a friendly picture of a correct animal.
Main features:
- 5 Real, high quality sounds of dolphins, whales and killer whale,
- 4 Cool Memory games of funny pictures
- 4 Real, high quality puzzles for 3 difficulty level
- Free, Ads support development of future updates and new games for kids.
This application is under active development, we always welcome your suggestion to improve "Dolphin sounds and names" application.
Please send us email on appkeszito101 [-at-]
Don't wait! Download now and have fun with Dolphin Show Games For Free!
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