Air Traffic Manager安全下载游戏攻略
Ever wondered what's it like to be an air traffic controller?
The adrenaline rising as the traffic goes crazy with time, the skills needed to avoid any collision and getting paid for each successful landing is what this game is about!
This is the best air traffic control game if you want the experience the life of an Air Traffic Controller.
What makes this a real experience?
The realistic sound effects, the amazing graphics and of course the fleet of aircraft. Make exciting landing with the help of ILS (Instrument Landing System) which will generate an automatic path towards the runway.
- Manage the air traffic in five exciting scenarios (of course more scenarios coming soon!)
- Earn money for each plane you land safely
- Try to maintain a streak of best score in each level
- Use the ILS landing to create an automatic path after guiding your plane near the runway
- The difficulty level increases with each level
- The aircrafts show a warning sign when they are too close to each other
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日本游戏厂商coly推出的女性向手游新作《On Air!》(オン・エア!)近日正式公布,这是一款以明星声优养成为题材的作品,预计今年春天推出,官方网站及Twitter已同步公开。
Konami Digital Entertainment 今日宣布,即将于包含台、港、澳在内的全世界 55 个地区同步推出日本智能手机游戏《World Soccer Collection S(ワールドサッカーコレクション S)》之国际版本《PES MANAGER》。官方表示,iOS 及Android 版本将于近日同步上架。