LIKE Letters Puzzle The Hangman Revolution安全下载游戏攻略
Like is a letter puzzle game based around finding 3 or more letters in a row. Slide a ball left, right , up or down to make a 3 or more line of letters. Once you pop a row it will use that letter to guess what letters are being hidden in the word. Remove all of the hidden letters to complete the level. The levels will get harder with longer words, obstacles and against the clock modes. Similar to Hangman in some ways but using 3 in a row to guess what letter may be in the hidden word. Like letters puzzle is the next letter and word puzzle game, some call it the hangman revolution as it has many similarities to the original hangman game but a new way of playing it.
在《西游记》的故事中,唐僧师徒不为女色所动,坚持去取那无趣的佛经。但当取经行成为一场骗局,那这一切便再没必要!更何况现在还有青春迷人的她们陪着你!国内首支互联网女团Miss Like正式加盟《大圣之怒》,别具青春气息的仙子将陪大家玩转三界!
mobcast今天宣布,旗下游戏《Lumines: Puzzle & Music》(LUMINESパズル&ミュージック)从即日起开始降价促销.