Swipe Math Test and Improve your Math Skills安全下载游戏攻略
Swipe Math - Test and Improve your Math Skills!
Test and Improve Brain's Math skills with this cool 1 second math calculation Game!
Swipe Math by Dhiolini Inc.
Swipe Math is a cool and intersting Android game to have fun and improve your math calculation skills. You just need find out whether the equation shown on your screen is correct or not, and the swipe in the right direction. if the equation is correct swipe Right. And, if the equation is incorrect swipe left. You have to do these all in only "1 Second".
In the Swipe Math game you will only get basic numeric operations of single digit numbers.
Benifits of this cool math game is awesome. With this you can have fun and easily improve your mathematical calculation speed. You will also become fast in spotting math errors. This game is suitable all ages. Especially for kids. People who are willing to face any competetive exams e.g. GATE, IAS, UPSC, JEE, etc., also can test themselves by playing this game.
Swipe Math is very light-weight android game. Download Now for Free and start improving! Also, share with your friends and families to help them have fun and improve themselves at the same time. Because, "Sharing is Caring!". Please, Don't for get to give it a good rating.
Swipe Math Game, Swipe Math app, Android game, puzzle game, math puzzle, brain puzzle, mathematics game, mathematics puzzle, puzzle app, quick puzzle, puzzle mathematics.
Made with Love by Dhiolini Inc.
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《Brain Test:谜题急转弯》第98关:
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Brain Test谜题急转弯第10关攻略:
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