Pass and Play Checkers安全下载游戏攻略
Checkers (aka Draughts) 1-Player or 2-player pass and play game, choose from 7 different rules!
Designed from the beginning to be offline or online capable, not requiring a connection - perfect for flying or road trips.
No social media logins required to play.
Play with a friend offline.
Choose your theme to create the right ambiance for your game, choose between a classic board style, a country restaurant style or a futuristic grid style and more!
Choose from 7 different versions or rules of Draughts. Choices include: American Checkers (English Draughts), Canadian, International, Polish, Russian, Italian, or Brazilian Draughts rules.
Multilingual support: Available languages include English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese Russian, Chinese, Japanese
转载自知乎专栏旗舰评论,作者Necromanov,已获得授权。 在现代游戏行业不长的历史中,曾经发生过两次付费革命。 在很久很久以前的遥远古代,也就是西元2005年之前,世界上只存在付费才能玩的游戏。不管是单机游戏还是网络游戏,你必定要付出一笔钱买游戏或者买点卡,才能正儿八经地玩下去;也有些游戏允许你免费玩,但玩到一定程度就会弹出一个“付费”界面,逼着你去买点卡或者买Key。哪怕是盗版游戏,当时也...
台湾微软表示,为持续丰富 Xbox Game Pass 的游戏库,让玩家能以最划算优惠的方式畅玩热门游戏大作,除近期的 《除暴战警 3》、《古墓奇兵:暗影》…等强款作品上架,Xbox 公布新一波 Xbox Game Pass 游戏名单,现已加入另 4 款热门作品,保证让玩家大呼过瘾。
2月份「Xbox Game Pass」新增4款免费游戏