URHO Ludo Reloaded安全下载游戏攻略
URHO - Ludo Reloaded is a board game played between friends, family & kids. The mystery box idea relates to a childhood game called King Queen Thief Police played in India.
This game support offline mode, where player can play with Computer or Local multiplayer.
Tap the mystery box and move your player according to instructions to reach the center of the board(Board 1) or End of your path(Board 2). There are 6 simple instructions to follow which randomly generates for all players once a player taps the mystery box. 6 Types of instructions are, Move 2 Step Up, Move 2 Step Right, Move 2 Step Down, Move 2 Step Left, Move 3 Step Up & Select a Power Card. Beat other players with 5 types of power cards, Power cards gives you power to move your player in any direction, arrest the opponent player, release yourself from cage, move opponent player as per your wish & make opponent player to move back to start position.
Features of URHO:
* Play against the computer.
* Play with your family and friends through Local Multiplayer.
* Play 2 to 4 Player Local Multiplayer Mode.
* Simple rules which can be followed by players as per the random outcome of mystery box tap.
* User Power Cards to demote your opponent & promote yourself in the game.
Follow us to get news and updates:
* Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ludoreloaded/
* Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfOheiV3T3AwO6nP0G9Hk0w/
* https://urholudoreloaded.game.blog/
《不可思议的幻想乡TOD Reloaded》当中主要以地下城探索为主,玩家在地下城当中可以策略性的与怪物们进行战斗,当然在地下城当中除了怪物之外,还有各种机关陷阱,玩家如果踩中这些机关陷阱,就会进入到各种异常状态以及受到各种限制,不过有些时候也会有意想不到的效果。
《不可思议的幻想乡TOD Reloaded》中有许多怪物,路人河童到了一定数量就是逃跑,要怎么打河童比较好呢,下面小编就为大家带来一篇“auauroura”分享的河童打法指南,希望对各位有所帮助,一起来看看吧。
《不可思议的幻想乡TOD Reloaded》中纯狐是绀珠传的角色,在本作是非常强力的妖魔,需要玩家小心应对,纯狐要怎么打呢,下面小编就为大家带来一篇“auauroura”分享的纯狐打法指南,希望对各位有所帮助,一起来看看吧。