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!!!! We Dare You to Win !!!!
Before starting, each player places their twelve pieces in the two rows closest to them and in the two rightmost spaces in the center row. The game is played in turns, with one player taking white and the other black.
A piece can move from its point to any empty adjacent point that is connected by a line.
A piece can jump over an opposing piece and remove it from the game, if that opposing piece is adjacent and the point beyond it is empty.
Multiple capturing jumps are permitted, and indeed compulsory if possible.
If a capture is possible it must be made, or else the piece is removed (or huffed).
The goal of the game is to eliminate the opponent's pieces.
《GT Sport》这款游戏,相信一定有很多玩家在关注。从目前官方放出的情报来看,游戏无论是画面还是拟真度方面,做的都非常出色。那么现在问题来了,该作到底什么时候发售呢?近日芬兰的一家零售商Puolenkuun Pelit,不小心泄露了《GT Sport》的发售日期。
如上图,根据零售商提供的消息,《GT Sport》将在2017年4月20日上市,离现在大约一个月时间。目前官方尚未公布确切发...
主导开发了全球最知名赛车游戏之一《GT赛车》系列的日本著名游戏制作人山内一典先生近日接受采访谈到了《GT赛车 Sport》的话题,并透露PS4 Pro下游戏能进一步提升画面表现。《GT赛车》系列全球累积销量已突破7000万套,是热爱赛车竞速游戏的玩家们耳熟能详的游戏系列。
《GT赛车 Sport》目前已经实现了4K分辨率,并且游戏运行能稳定在60帧,更重要的是,它支持HDR与PSVR!长久...