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*Test your Chicago Bulls NBA knowledge! Take the Challenge and beat your friends!
Fun, Educational and Challenging! Questions are in random order and do not repeat!
The clock is ticking, so be quick and make the correct selection to earn extra points.
The quicker you select correctly, the more points you earn.
*Get 50 correct questions and reach the Cup first before your firends!
*Use your Google Play login to check your ranking on the leader boards. Compare with players around the world. You can see your best high individual score and also your total cumulative score. Access achievements which give you bonus hints. Challenge friends and see who can reach the top of the leader boards.
An Entertaining, Educational, Fun and Challenging game for all ages!
Compete now and play for free!
NBA常规赛还有不到两个月的时间即将揭幕,中国区两场季前赛也将分别于北京时间10月9日、10月12日在上海和北京两地打响。与此同时,由2K打造的全新正版NBA手游《NBA 2K17》简体中文版也于前段时间在Appstore上线,并获得苹果商店大力推荐。
现场试玩体验 打造最真实的NBA虚拟赛场
提到NBA题材游戏,NBA 2K系列可谓是最具知名度的品牌,因为其对NBA赛场的高度还原,使得玩...
NBA 2016-17新赛季常规赛即将于北京时间10月26日拉开帷幕,休赛期内各支球队阵容上的调整已经基本尘埃落定。西部勇士依然保持着绝对的夺冠实力,东部骑士一览众山小,当然还有马刺、雷霆等众多搅局好手。2015-16赛季后邓肯,科比和加内特三位传奇巨星选择退役,没有了传奇巨星的2016-17赛季大家期待的是什么?是威少独守孤城,勇士豪阵夺冠;还是皇帝霸气卫冕,76人成功复苏?远在太平洋彼岸的广大...