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Happy Man on Wheels is an obstacle rag-doll extreme sports game, your goals is to reach the finish line.
You will encounter various obstacles that can damage your character in Happy Man on Wheels.
Tap the forward button to dash, tap turn left or turn right button to rotate your wheel in the air .
When encountering obstacles tap stop button to decrease the speed. All you need is timing to tap the buttons and a little fortune.
Experience the real physics based happy wheels racing game on your phone, Happy Man on Wheels offers an exhilarating mix of amazing tracks, a little of fortune and deadly challenges.
Feel the dash speed as you negotiate your happy wheels way through the deadly survival courses of Happy Man on Wheels.
The essence of Happy Man on Wheels is extremely simple: you have to get to one of the vehicles to the finish.
The problem is that not every part of your body will get along with you.
Huge chainsaws, thorns, happy wheels watermelons, pineapples and many others want to tear off a piece from you!
网易独家代理,备受瞩目的日本超人气卡牌RPG手游《乖离性百万亚瑟王》,首度登录App Store中国区,就吸引了众多二次元爱好者的追捧,并给大家带来了满满的元气!金秋十月,《乖离性百万亚瑟王》将迎来新版本,并携手《Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works]》开启国服首度动漫IP联动。
《乖离性百万亚瑟王》自8月7日在App Store中国区首发以来,两周内...
日本超人气卡牌RPG《乖离性百万亚瑟王》,被玩家们戏称为“就算氪还是卡牌之王”,作为一款保留了最日系二次元风格的卡牌手游,国服运营商也是输人不输阵,在全平台公测不足三个月之时便高调开启了首次日本正版动漫IP的联动工作,将日漫大作《Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works]》正式植入国服版本,并在10月16日最新版本中进行了一系列联动活动,华丽的出场阵容让众多二次...