7th Grade Math Learning Games安全下载游戏攻略
7th Grade Math Learning Games is a year’s worth of math lessons, worksheets, and problems for seventh graders. Covering 19 common core subjects with a near endless amount of questions, it is perfect for teachers or parents who want to give their students a fun way to practice and learn.
Track your student’s progress with detailed reports and multiple profiles. And students will want to keep playing as they earn tokens to spend in the arcade!
7th Grade Math Learning Games is a year’s worth of math lessons, worksheets, and problems for seventh graders. Covering 19 common core subjects with a near endless amount of questions, it is perfect for teachers or parents who want to give their seventh grade students a fun way to practice and learn and get an advantage in school.
Track your 7th grade student’s progress with detailed reports and multiple profiles. And 7th grade students will want to keep playing as they earn tokens to spend in the arcade!
This free version allows for up to 20 questions per day, 1 arcade game, and 1 profile. Get the full version through a simple in-app purchase to unlock the entire game.
*** Features ***
+ Common Core Aligned - All 7th grade subjects and questions are aligned with Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
+ Thousands of Questions - The problems are randomly generated, so every round will be different for your seventh grade student
+ Track Students Progress - School's can create multiple profiles for each seventh grade student and track their progress with detailed reports
+ Fun Way To Learn - An arcade with 5 fun games makes 7th grade students want to keep playing and earning more tokens
+ Teacher Approved - Teachers across the country use this app in thier classroom to reinforce important seventh grade topics
*** Topics ***
+ Ratios and Proportions
-- Compute Ratios; Proportional Relationships; Multi-Step Ratio and Percent Problems
+ The Number System
-- Add and Subtract Rational Numbers; Multiply and Divide Rational Numbers; Real-World Problems with Rational Numbers
+ Expressions and Equations
-- Properties of Operations / Linear Expressions; Rewriting Expressions, Multi-Step Problems with Rational Numbers; Simple Equations and Inequalities
+ Geometry
-- Scale Drawings; 2-D Figures From 3-D Figures; Circles; Angles; Area, Volume, and Suce Area
+ Statistics and Probability
-- Sampling and Populations; Measures of Center and Variability; Probability; Probabilities of Compound Events
This free version allows for up to 20 questions per day, 1 arcade game, and 1 profile. Get the full version through a simple in-app purchase to unlock the entire game.
*** Features ***
+ Common Core Aligned - All subjects and questions are aligned with Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
+ Thousands of Questions - The problems are randomly generated, so every round will be different
+ Track Students Progress - Create multiple profiles for each student and track their progress with detailed reports
+ Fun Way To Learn - An arcade with 5 fun games makes students want to keep playing and earning more tokens
*** Topics ***
+ Ratios and Proportions
-- Compute Ratios; Proportional Relationships; Multi-Step Ratio and Percent Problems
+ The Number System
-- Add and Subtract Rational Numbers; Multiply and Divide Rational Numbers; Real-World Problems with Rational Numbers
+ Expressions and Equations
-- Properties of Operations / Linear Expressions; Rewriting Expressions, Multi-Step Problems with Rational Numbers; Simple Equations and Inequalities
+ Geometry
-- Scale Drawings; 2-D Figures From 3-D Figures; Circles; Angles; Area, Volume, and Suce Area
+ Statistics and Probability
-- Sampling and Populations; Measures of Center and Variability; Probability; Probabilities of Compound Events
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