Toddler Sing and Play安卓版下载游戏攻略
Your kids will love singing along with these songs:
• Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
• Itsy Bitsy Spider
• You Are My Sunshine
• I'm A Little Teapot
Designed for ages 2+, this game helps your children learn popular songs in a fun and creative way. Each song features an interactive game scene with lyrics. This game is ad free (contains no third party or commercial ads).
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Drag the stars into place and watch as the scene progresses until it has a full starry night with clouds, mountains, moon, twinkling stars, and a few surprise animals. Plus, your children may learn a new verse or two along the way (did you know the original song had five verses?).
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Spiders crawling everywhere! Make it rain, make it shine, get the spiders to go up the spout. Lots of silly spider actions and noises, and a few farm animals waiting to be played with.
You Are My Sunshine
Put all of the toys away before the sun goes down! This game features a kid's room with lots of objects to interact with, including toys, bouncing balls, and books. Perfect for children who love to rearrange and organize.
I'm A Little Teapot
In this kitchen, your toddler will have fun playing with different teapots and dozens of kitchen items. Turn on the stove, explore the cupboards, and watch as the happy teapots perform the song actions.
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由韩国 Flero Games 公司所开发,并预定于2017年在韩国手机平台上架营运,以官方旗下人气手机大作《揪咪庄园 EveryTown》IP 为题材所推出,目前预约注册活动也正在官网火热展开中的这款系列最新三消益智玩法新作《EveryTown Sweet》(에브리타운 스윗 for Kakao),如今官方正式宣佈本作将决定于4月27日正式在韩国Google Play推出上市。
12月7日,App Store的2016年度精选系列新鲜出炉。凭借近一年来在全球范围内的优秀表现,《皇室战争》一举斩获年度最佳游戏的殊荣。
《皇室战争》荣获App Store2016年度最佳游戏
无独有偶,在近日公布的Google Play年度榜单中,《皇室战争》同样表现强势,获得北美地区“2016年度最佳游戏”的称号,同时被列入最具人气游戏榜单。