Pretty Cure Piano Tiles安卓版下载游戏攻略
Do you really like songs of Pretty Cure ?
There are many choices of songs Pretty Cure in this piano Game. You can play the piano from the songs Pretty Cure style game here, as well as to entertain yourself and those around you, enjoy the PIANO music of the song, calm yourself, and train your finger speed in this PIANO Game.
With an interesting and interactive view so you do not feel bored in playing. Increasingly faster game levels make you challenged, do not let you lose,.
* FEATURES Of Pretty Cure *
- A very interesting theme
- Most popular song From "Pretty Cure piano"
- Classic level, Arcade, zen, boamb
- choice of song or sondtrack
- Settings.
Pretty Cure Piano Challenge is an unofficial fans app. It is not affiliated with or endorsed by TOY, his management or his record label. This app does not include copyrighted material. The interpretation of these songs is original and created by us. For entertainment purposes only.
美少女星球(Pretty Plant)是一款由由 Monstar Lab 公司开发的日系美少女模拟栽培手游,本作预计在2017年上架安卓/ios平台,喜欢美少女星球(Pretty Plant)的玩家可以提前到官网进行预约!
《美少女星球》(Pretty Plant/プリティプラント)故事背景描述在一个环境类似地球的外星球「Cute(キュート)」上,人们意外发现一种被称为「Cocone(ココネ...
《Past Cure》是由独立开发商Phantom 8 Studio打造的一款第三人称动作射击游戏,近日,该开发商正式宣布游戏将于2017年第二季度发售,登陆PC/PS4,同时游戏将融入隐身元素。
《Past Cure》早期宣传片:
《Past Cure》是一款单机游戏,游戏中的世界分为两个维度,一个是现实世界,一个是梦想世界。游戏中伊恩被关押在欧洲的黑暗监狱,实验让他改变。实验给他带来...
日本TOMOBAKO 旗下的美少女植物育成手游《Pretty Plant》日前已面向iOS/Android 平台开始配信。
本作中玩家可以育成为一种名为‘KOKONE’的美少女植物,每一种‘KOKONE’都会从‘种子(婴儿)’阶段开始成长,然后经历‘花苗(儿童)’成长为‘花朵(大人) ’,外貌也会通过成长逐渐更像人类。