Story Jam安卓版下载游戏攻略
Story Jam is a simple and fun game where you create amazing stories and publish them in book format. You can play alone or with up to 3 friends.
If you are a teacher, use Story Jam to develop your students' writing skills.
If you are a parent, use Story Jam to create great stories and unforgettable moments with your children.
If you are a writer, use Story Jam to enhance your creative writing skills.
Choose the Game Mode and a Category. It is more fun if you play with all categories! Throw the dice and write a new page. Your challenge is to create a story that follows what your friends wrote. You can also print or share your book on social networks.
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关注独立的游戏玩家对 Global Game Jam (以下简称 GGJ ),全球游戏创作节应该不陌生。这是一个独立游戏人的大集会。游戏人在规定的时间里,尽力做一款好玩的游戏,才是活动的精髓。
相比起欧美的其他游戏大展、漫展,相对小众的 GGJ 的历史也不算长。Game Jam 一词是由 Game(游戏)和 Jam Session (即兴表演)两个词组成,这种游戏...