Wifi Password Hacker clicker安卓版下载游戏攻略
Wifi Password Hacker clicker - this is the best free game simulator hacking Wifi. If you play this game, then all your friends will consider you a real hacker. And they will keep their Wi-fi routers away from you.
Rules of the game:
During the game, you need to constantly and quickly click on the screen, while avoiding clicking on red objects and сlick on the green.
The game is considered lost if the "POLICE" indicator has expired. It means that the police caught you.
You can win the game if the "HACK WI-FI" indicator is full. This will mean that you hack Wi-Fi. But this is as difficult as in real life.
The game has a list of the best hackers.
Have a good game!
Wifi Password Hacker Game - created for fun. It can not actually hack Wi-Fi passwords. If you liked our game, please give us 5 stars and we will produce more good apps for you.
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