Platonic Opaline Beta安卓版下载游戏攻略
Several colorful pieces surround a central shape, each of which can come together to form a complete shell around a Platonic Solid. Choose between one of five Platonic Solids to solve: the pyramidal Tetrahedron, the regular Cube, the diamond-like Octahedron, the pentagonal-shaped Dodecahedron, and the faceted Icosahedron. Interact with fragmented shapes by rotating and selecting with a touchscreen-friendly intece. Strive to place shapes efficiently together in order to complete the final solid and marvel at your colorful hard work.
This is a beta-test version of the game; it is still under heavy development. Any feedback is welcome: Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or comments, or if the game doesn't work properly. Also, feel free to contact me if the help system is too unclear or vague. With your help, I aim to make this game reach its full potential.
Time To Get Shapin'!
CI Games旗下的射击游戏《狙击手:幽灵战士3(Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3)》于2月4日正式在PC端开启beta测试。虽然已经是第三部作品,但是剧情发展大家基本可以忽略,笼统性地理解为一位苦大仇深的狙击手深入中欧地区身负一系列的刺杀任务,反正在欧美社会中这块区域一直以来就生活在苏联/俄罗斯影响下的水深火热之中。
地牢类游戏《地牢争夺战》(Dungeon Rushers),游戏采用的是回合制战斗,玩起来有点像棋盘,将于明年2月推出。为了游戏能够准时上线,现今游戏将开启Beta测试。
游戏由Goblinz Studio制作,Mi-Clos Studios发行。Mi-Clos Studios可是发布了很多高质量的游戏哦,例如:《就在那里:欧米茄版》(Out There: Omega Edition)、还有...