Drop It Out安卓版下载游戏攻略
Drop It Out is a novel phone game of 3D-mazes. Your mission is to escort a gold ball to the exit with the help of gravitational force while not going astray and shattering it. Numerous sizes and configurations of 3D mazes are generated to challenge the handling dexterity and patient of
the player.
Flipping your cell phone or tilting the maze to let the ball follow the gravitational direction. Once you reach the exit within a time limit, bonus points are added to your score.
The largest configuration of the maze reaches 12x8x6 while NO level limit is given for paid players. In addition, the maze generation can be renewed to yield a new set of mazes for new fun and adventure.
去年底,我们曾报道过游戏开发商Mi-Clos Studio制作的一款太空冒险游戏《Out There》接受预定的消息。近日,这款游戏已经正式登陆安卓平台。
《Out There》来头可不小,被评选为2014年TouchArcade最值得期待的五大手机游戏,2014年IndieStatik最值得期待的十大独立游戏。顶着这么头衔,可见游戏品质应该是非常不错的!
不少玩家在《死亡细胞》埋骨地结束时候出现了out of memory的BUG,不知道是怎么回事,那么如何解决这个BUG呢,下面小编就为大家分享死亡细胞埋骨地out of memory解决方法,希望对各位有所帮助。
死亡细胞埋骨地out of memory解决方法:
埋骨地结束后会出现out of memory的bug,重新启动游戏仍然会出现同样的错误,而且需要重新再打本关。