Purple Pink Coloring Fun安卓版下载游戏攻略
Do you ever imagine that your paintings could go alive? Purple Pink fun coloring game will show you how! After you finish drawing and coloring your favorite animal, it will magically become alive!
Follow the steps and you can gradually learn to draw a favorite animal out of lines and basic shapes. Then fill in the animal with your favorite colors, and it will come to life! Then you could choose food, vehicles or toys to paint. The most fun part to watch the animal you painted stretching arms and legs, eating food, and even driving the cart!
Purple Pink Coloring Fun is an interesting educational game. Every kids could be an artist. In the process of painting, not only their creativity and imagination will be cultivated, their motor skills would be developed, too.
There are two modes: animated coloring and picture coloring. Kids could try both modes. In the animation coloring, enjoy the surprise and joy of their own creations. In the picture coloring mode, kids could use different colors of brushes and cute stickers to decorate their artwork!
12 fun Animated coloring!
30 pictures for coloring!
More than 200 colors and patterns!
Collect cute stickers!
Exercise the fine movement skills!
No Wi-Fi is required. It could be played anywhere!
This version of Purple Pink Coloring Fun is free to download. Unlock more tools and colors through in-app purchase. Once complete the purchase, it will be permanently unlocked and bound with your account.
If there are any questions during the purchase and playing, feel free to contact us via contact@papoworld.com
[About Papo World]
Papo World aims to create a relaxed, harmonious and enjoyable game play environment to stimulate children's curiosity and interest in learning.
Focused on games and supplemented by fun animated episodes, our preschool digital educational products are tailored for children.
Through experiential and immersive gameplay, kids could develop healthy living habits and arise curiosity and creativity. Discover and inspire talents of every child!
【contact us】
Mailbox: contact@papoworld.com
Face book: https://www.facebook.com/PapoWorld/
活动时间:2016-09-28 10:46:00 至 2016-10-04 23:59:00
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