Aim for the goal with a high-speed ship that can only go straight ahead!
★How to play★
①Consider the characteristics of each gimmick and find the route to the goal.
②Switch the direction of each mirror along the route.
③Move the ship to the starting point and start.
All that is left is watching until the goal.
★3 modes★
●Play the default stages
Let's conquer 100 stages including tutorials!
●Making the original stage
Let's arrange gimmicks freely and make your own stage!
You can publish to the world by uploading the stage you made!!
●Play the stage that other player made
You can download published stages!
活动时间:2019-11-14 00:00:00 至 2019-11-30 23:59:59
PS4独占游戏《Death end re;Quest》具体什么时候发售?相信大家都很期待这款游戏,下面小编就为大家分享Death end re;Quest发售时间一览,感兴趣的快来看看吧。
Death end re;Quest发售时间一览:
上周,Compile Heart再次上线了一个游戏的预告网站,和之前的一样,预告网站也是玩出了新花样,制作人玩游戏玩着玩着就倒了,游戏画面也进入了花屏无法...
自称菲利丝,库珥修的骑士。自然是库珥修阵营的一员。 外表是可爱的猫娘,有着少女般的俏皮与说话时的“喵”尾音,但其实是猫耳伪娘,男扮女装的背景在原作中有所提及哦。 大陆首屈一指的被称为水系魔法使者。擅长使用治愈魔法。 应爱蜜莉雅所托替昴治疗。跟库珥修是青梅竹马,讨厌昴妄自菲薄的一面,这点在原作小说中较明显,但是在动画...