Mystic Land安卓版下载游戏攻略
Enthralling fantasy tabletop game. The mystical opposition of good and evil, the conquest of the earth by various creatures in an intellectual battle.
In the game take part from 2 to 4 people. Each of the players alternately rolls the dice, which indicate which cell should move their character. After moving the player can build up the land on which he fell. If the opponent becomes on the land already captured, he must pay the penalty to its owner. In addition to the cell from the land, the player can get into the slots with the task.
The winner in the game is the player who at the time of the end has a balance in the bank and the price of buildings will be higher than other players. It is also possible to complete the game ahead of time, having completely built up the earth of one of the elements.
Players control the character of one of the mystical races: humans, vampires, elves, vikings, witches, dead, angels and demons. Depending on the character you are playing, you will have various skills that affect the game. Each skill can be developed separately.
The game is divided into conditional parts: the passage of missions and the creation of a personalized game with friends and not only. There is also a chat where you can chat with all the players.
Welcome to Mystic Land. With us you will be fun and interesting.
欧洲游戏发行商eRepublik Labs最近公布了一款新作品《Cannon Land》。这是一款非常可爱的休闲益智游戏,画面走的是动漫可爱风格,背景音乐也是轻快明了,让人耳目一新。先看一下游戏的预告片。
游戏中玩家要把可爱的小动物用大炮向前发射,前面的炮在接到这枚“炮弹”后继续向前发射。《Cannon Land》中玩家可以尽量让炮弹一次性飞得更远些,这样会获得更高的分数,更多的奖励将可以用...
欧洲游戏发行商eRepublik Labs最近公布了一款新作品《Cannon Land》。这是一款非常可爱的休闲益智游戏,画面走的是动漫可爱风格,背景音乐也是轻快明了,让人耳目一新。先看一下游戏的预告片。
游戏中玩家要把可爱的小动物用大炮向前发射,前面的炮在接到这枚“炮弹”后继续向前发射。《Cannon Land》中玩家可以尽量让炮弹一次性飞得更远些,这样会获得更高的分数,更多的奖励将可以用...
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