Laboratory XO安卓版下载游戏攻略
Learn to play Tic Tac Toe against our most intelligent algorithm.
If you can beat him, you will crown the Master.
earn levels, buy Icons and be the BEST.
*This app has been made as a project, it is a testing app only, made for my little brothers, I hope you will enjoy it too.
Learn to play Tic Tac Toe against our most intelligent algorithm.
If you can beat him, you will crown the Master.
earn levels, buy Icons and be the BEST.
* This app has been made as a project, it is a testing app only, made for my little brothers, I hope you will enjoy it too.
l 非R玩家升级攻略
1、 首先能做的任务必须要做完,而且前期任务难度较小,一直做主线和支线任务可以让您很快的升到30级,而且做任务会获得大量的绑银。
2、 在做主线的任务过程中,会开启剧情任务,剧情任务是获得技能点的唯一途径,前4个剧情任务难度不大,自己就可以完成。如果打不过,可以用绑银,强化下装...
Ø 新手入门篇六:伙伴系统
l 伙伴招募:
1、 伙伴招募分3种方式,道具“招募令”招募、188元宝招募、1880元宝招募。
2、 游戏中所有的伙伴都可以通过以上3种方式获得
3、 道具招募的方式,还有免费的模式,每6小时可免费招募,在CD时间,才可消耗道具招募
4、 188元宝招募,获得好伙伴的几...
Ø 新手入门篇八:猜猜看系统
l 猜猜看系统
1、 和值:3个数字加起来的合
2、 豹子:3个数字相同
3、 一堆:3个数字中有2个数字相同
4、 顺子:3个数字相连
5、 三不同:3...