Goalkeeper Mania Soccer Game安卓版下载游戏攻略
Goalkeeper mania is a simple but challenging tap game for soccer fans. You are the goalkeeper and your job is to deflect the soccer balls coming at you. Tap on the screen to spawn a "goalkeeper" to deflect the soccer balls. Every ball deflected will earn you a point.
This goalkeeper game starts of slow and ramps up in difficulty the more points you score. Its game over when a ball gets past you and reaches your goal. Try and deflect as many soccer balls as possible and see if you have the chops to be the best goalkeeper ever.
Goalkeeper Mania features:
- Free to play.
- Simple tap game play yet challenging to master.
- Physics based game play for realistic soccer ball bounce.
- High score system to see how good of a goalkeeper you are.
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《Soccer Kick》是一款画面十分逼真的足球类竞技游戏,游戏的玩法十分的简单,玩家需要做的就是讲球踢的更远,飞跃自由...
强力足球怎么玩?有哪些玩法技巧呢?下面就分享Solid Soccer玩法技巧给大家,希望这篇攻略对小伙伴们有所帮助。