Infinite Castle Defense 2019安卓版下载游戏攻略
Set your strategy and do not allow enemies to enter your territory. Defend your base against
enemies by enhancing your battlefield and soldiers.
Build archer, magical, bomber towers & baracks!
Infinite Castle Defense 2019 is a new classic tower defense game. Your aim is to kill all enemies by building towers & barack. The enemies will come quickly, build suitable construction at the right time to win the war!
It is one of the best td games!
- Easy to play endless tower defense game
- It works offline, no wifi - internet connection required
- 30 different levels
- 4 unique constructions
- Tech upgrades for Archer, Magical, Bomber & Barack
- Easy, hard & expert difficulty levels
- Learn the game from Tower Pedia
- Watch ads to gain free coins
We are working hard to provide best app for you. If you have any problem with the game, please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail below. We will be happy if we solve your problem.
Have a good time!
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幻嘉网络海外发行的首款游戏《Endless Castle》今日在东南亚地区全面上线,并将于本周在九游进行国内版本(国内版本《无境之城》)的首次删档测试!这是一款有着日韩清新画风,以奇幻冒险为题材的动作手游,玩法十分丰富,而作为端游移植的手游,它在画面和操作的上都有着不俗的表现!
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