Super Todi World Games安卓版下载游戏攻略
Super Todi World Free games, is the newest adventure game in 2019. let's play and be adventurous to help todi to save the daughter who was kidnapped by bad and evil forest monsters.
a game that will remind you in childhood, a game that tells the story of the struggle of a Todi who wants to save a princess who is confined by evil monsters in the forest. let's help Todi by adventuring in the forest and fighting with evil enemies.
ways to protect Todi, namely:
- Break bricks and get diamonds to make Todi become bigger and stronger
- Break bricks and get fire drinks to burn enemies by throwing fireballs
- Break bricks to get power drinks to destroy enemies by crashing them
this exciting game is worth trying because it's full of mysteries in the forest, download it now while it's free. let's play now because this game has been prepared:
- more than 150 levels waiting for you after you finish at level 80, and follow every new world update that we provide
- run and jump to destroy the bricks and grab the bonuses
- jump every cliff below you
- Kill your enemies by stepping on or throwing fireballs, and avoid large tree trunks that will come out of the eater flower
- Click 2x for higher and farther jumps
- Enter the cave through a large tree trunk to get lots of coins and other bonuses
- swim on the sea floor and avoid the mines that will block you
in this game we have prepared complete equipment to assist the Todi in saving the princess, let's play to her appeal and challenges and adventure by collecting lots of coins and finding lots of bonuses and tools that can help in the journey Todi. because this game is suitable for those of you who like adventure.
mission to be completed:
1 destroy many blocks
2 kill the enemy that is holding you back
3 get all the bonuses provided
4 complete todi weapons to destroy the enemy
5 complete each world level
6 destroy BOS at the last level
7 and get your total score at the end of the game
Have a good adventure and don't hesitate to download this game right now, and compete with your friends. Have a nice play.
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