FIFA 19 Ratings Quiz安卓版下载游戏攻略
This app has over 200 questions with more to come in regular updates. You can pick a gamemode, dificulty level and question type. The types of question are overall rating, individual ratings and general questions. If you would like to submit your own question or contact us about a mistake please email us at
There are four gamemodes:
1) Streak:
How many questions can you get correct in a row? The game will continue until you get one wrong. You can play by yourself or with up to four players. In multiplayer, each player will get out once they get a question wrong and the game will continue until all the players are out.
2) 10 Rounds:
As you'd expect, this gamemode has 10 rounds of questions where you try to get as many correct as possible. You can play by yourself or with up to four players.
3) Timed:
See how many questions you can get correct in a set amount of time. The default is a minute but you can set this yourself. You can play by yourself or with up to four players. In multiplayer, each player will answer one question before it's the next player's turn and the player's individual timer will go down as they answer this question. Once a player's timer reaches 0, that player is out. The game continues until all the players are out.
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《FIFA》系列一直都是大家比较关注的游戏,所以《FIFA 19》demo什么时候出是众家都在关心的问题,那么下面就跟着玩游网小编一起来了解一下吧!
《FIFA 19》demo发布时间:
EA Sports 宣布本作将于9月13日在 PS4/ Xbox One/PC 平台推出试玩Demo!
《FIFA 19》开售时间:
将于9月28日发售,登陆 Xbox One/PC/PS...
《FIFA 19》媒体评分解禁,IGN打出了8.2分评价,和《实况足球2019》评分一样。
IGN表示,由于加入了大量新模式,做出了一些重要的游戏性调整,使得控球更令人信服,因此《FIFA 19》在去年的基础上有着独特的进步。只不过并不是所有的创新都有效果,比如新加入的《战争机器》风格射球机制和新的Kick-Off模式。再加上一个不太成熟的旅途单人战役,这些稍微拖累了《FIFA 19》。尽管...
在《FIFA 19》中,玩家们在开局很需要大量的资金来充实自己的阵容,合适就是游戏中的金币。金币可以购买卡包,也可以直接去市场上拍卖球员,因此我们要在合适的时候选择开包以及买卖卡的时机。下面小编就将带来《FIFA 19》合理的理财以及市场的大致走向规律详解,希望对大家有所帮助。