Dinosaur Bone Digging Games For Kids安卓版下载游戏攻略
Dig dinosaur bones games enable you to learn about archaeology and dinosaurs in an entertaining and exciting way!
You will know the names of different prehistoric animals in no time, and finding dinosaur bones will become one of your favorite games with animals or puzzle games with bones collecting!
Our dinosaur park games bring a lot of educational and cognitive benefits! Enjoy solving puzzles made out of bones in order to assemble a real-life dinosaur! Once you solve the puzzle, a dinosaur will appear, together with its name and pronunciation.
4 ways to collect bones and solve the puzzle with dinosaurs:
DIGGING UP BONES – dig up holes and excavate dinosaur bones!
FISHING FOR BONES – fish out fossils from the ocean!
EXPLORING THE CAVES – use a flashlight to discover the bones in the dark caves!
CLEANING THE BONES – clean the bones using special tools and then arrange the bones into a dino puzzle!
MINI GAMES – 2 exciting mini games you can play in order to proceed to the next level, once your dinosaur is assembled!
Dinosaur games improve cognitive abilities, such as logical thinking, concentration and problem solving skills. Discover dinosaur names and their images by collecting bones that you unearthed, caught with a fishing rod or discovered in a cave! This interesting archeology game is surprisingly addictive and a great way to pass the time.
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