Real Swimming Pool Race Sport Game安卓版下载游戏攻略
Play the best water swimming pool race sport game.
International swimmer's from all over the world will come to compete with you.
Choose your swimmer first and race him in the 100 M, 200 M or 400 M freestyle.
You must win regional, national and international competitions to build on your athletic records and become superstar in the pool.
- Intuitive swimming controls
- Different swim styles to practice and race
- Virtual swim simulator
- Dive and swim training
- Interesting missions
- World tournament mode
- Win the championship
- Stunts, Front Stroke and Back Stroke
- Support both phone and tablet
Enjoy the Swimming 3D game!
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今天,索尼互动娱乐宣布旗下赛车竞速游戏PS4《GT Sport》开启最新升级,将追加10辆新赛车和超高速跑道,一起来了解下吧!
《GT Sport(Gran Turismo Sport)》是由Polyphony Digital制作,索尼发行的一款赛车竞速游戏,是人气系列《GT》的最新续作,支持PSVR。本作致力于将历经百年文化积淀的真实赛车竞技带给玩家。马自达、奥迪、奔驰等经典赛车都会在本作...
近日,索尼发布了旗下模拟赛车游戏系列最新作《GT Sport》的1.10版补丁,新增“GT联盟”模式,还加入了12辆新车。除此之外,补丁还加入了两条全新赛道,圣诞节主题景观也已加入。