Grandpa Horror Game安卓版下载游戏攻略
Grandpa is a horror game with survival in a locked house.
Grandpa was able to catch you and shut you in your house.
You must run away from home to survive.
You need to solve puzzles inside the house to escape from the Grandpa!
When your hero is scared, he closes his eyes. You need to calm down so that the character opens his eyes and continues his escape.
Grandpa can hear everything. If you make a noise, he will come and find you.
Hide in closets or under a table, so you can escape from it.
You can paralyze the Grandpa by inserting a syringe into it. The effect does not last long, do not stop and try to survive in a locked house with a terrible Grandpa.
Play in Grandpa Horror Game and stay survive!
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