Kidz Jam: Early Color Learning安卓手机版下载游戏攻略
Kidz Jam: Early Color Learning is a perfect learning activity game for boys' or girls' fun and exciting learning of basic colors. The appealing artwork -- with its heavy, chunky black lines -- are eye-catching and young-friendly.
▶ The #1 mobile education game allows parents select and customize any colors for their boys/girls look, play, and learn everyday.
▶ Helps little learners understand color relationships and recognize forms, lines, shapes and perspectives as well. Parents can use this coloring game to practice their boys/girls' grip and steadiness of hand, which is essential in putting that frosting on top.
Kidz Jam: Early Color Learning is most suitable for early learners, but also suits anyone who loves coloring and knowing the basics in a much more fun & exciting way!
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关注独立的游戏玩家对 Global Game Jam (以下简称 GGJ ),全球游戏创作节应该不陌生。这是一个独立游戏人的大集会。游戏人在规定的时间里,尽力做一款好玩的游戏,才是活动的精髓。
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问卷调查从5月4日下午1点 开始到5月15日上午11点结束。...
近日,据外媒消息,知名休闲移动游戏公司Jam City宣布与华纳兄弟合作,获得了《哈利波特》的IP授权,将制作一款与之相关的新游戏。华纳兄弟旗下游戏发行品牌Portkey Games将作为发行商,预计将在明年推出该作。
Jam City首席执行官克里斯-德沃尔夫表示,公司对与华纳兄弟合作,开发一款哈利波特手游感到荣幸,他将哈利波特形容为“有史以来影响力最大,最具标志性的品牌之一”。