Eggs Catcher - Catch The Egg Impossible Fun安卓手机版下载游戏攻略
Eggs Catcher is super addictive classic game.
It is free and based on simple rules.
Here you have to catch the white eggs and avoid from black egg.
On white egg will increase one in score.
Basket is very vast and it's difficult to avoid black eggs so be aware from catching black eggs.
Catch The Egg Impossible Fun, catch the White Eggs and beat high score.
Game is based on arcade mode, speed of eggs will increase by time and you have to move the basket faster to make high score in Eggs Catcher.
The goal of the game is to catch the egg without breaking.
The key is do not have to miss the egg.
A white eggs increase your scores.
Collect the Eggs in the egg-tray, If you miss 3 eggs, you lose the game.
Steam平台最近上架了一款颇为奇特的联机游戏《Catch a Lover》,引起了不少玩家的围观。正如它的名字所说,这是一场“捉奸大会”模拟器。
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