Ludo Family Game 2018安卓手机版下载游戏攻略
Ludo Family Game 2018
is an enjoyable multiplayer board game. Ludo is the best way to spend quality time with your family!
Ludo Game
is a classic dice-and-race game. It is a game you will fall in love with. While gameplay does rely on the luck of the dice, there is a bit of strategy in choosing your moves wisely.
Ludo is also called Parchisi. Pachisi or Parcheesi originated in India by the 6th century. With centuries of tradition behind Ludo, you will surely become a fan as well!
Ludo is also popularly known as Parchís, Parxís, Parqués all over the World.
The objective of
Ludo Family Game 2018
is to be the first to move your four pawn from the base to your home.
Ludo Family Game 2018
is a modern depiction of the popular classic board game for two to four players, where the players race their four tokens from start to finish according to dice rolls.
Roll a six and race your 4 pawns from start to finish before anyone else can do the same. Capture your opponent's pawn and send them straight back to the starting area. When a 6 is rolled, the player may choose to advance a pawn already in play, or may enter another staged pawn to its starting square. Rolling a 6 earns the player an additional or "bonus" roll in that turn. If the bonus roll results in a 6 again, the player earns an additional bonus roll. If the third roll is also a 6, the player may not move and the turn immediately passes to the next player.
Its a great game for 2 - 4 players aged four and up. A fun game that encourages your child the skill of logical thinking.
Play with your Facebook friends, against the computer, against your friends in local multiplayer or with millions of ludo players around the world.
You can also create Private Rooms and invite your friends to play.
Ludo Family Game 2018
is awesome game for board lovers. The more you play, the more exciting it becomes.
Well now you can play Ludo Family Game 2018 with friends- the timeless game and enjoy it with your family and loved ones.
So why not make it a reality by playing this game and reliving your childhood days-
Ludo Family Game 2018
for free and recall your childhood!
Ludo Family Game 2018
Features :
- Play with Facebook Friends or as Guest
- Watch video to earn coins
- Create Private Room and Invite Friends and Family
- Play with players across the world
- 2, 3 & 4 Player Mode
- Play with Local Multiplayer
- All time classic family ludo game
Please don't forget to Rate and Review
Ludo Family Game 2018
Any suggestions- We always love to hear from you for making this game better.
We would be very grateful for any feedback!
* Our game
Ludo Family Game 2018
has no association with Ludo Star published by Gameberry Labs.
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