PI VR Transportation安卓手机版下载游戏攻略
-Take a flight through time to see the Wright Brothers soar through the sky at Kitty Hawk!
-Discover Kitty Hawk and see what the first flights were like in this virtual reality environment.You can even go on a flight yourself!
-Learn about the first flights with historical photographs, animations, and more.
-Test your knowledge with built-in brain-teaser quizzes!
When prompted to scan, look for the QR Code located on the first page in your PI VR Transportation book in order to access interactive content!
If you don't have the book visit https://pilbooks.com/PIVRTransportation/ and scan the QR Code located on the webpage!
名称: Mind Labyrinth VR Dreams
类型: 冒险
开发商: Frost Earth S...
雪炭STGMR作为知名VR商用解决方案商,所创品牌:平行宇宙为线下体验馆、教育、旅游、 房地产和医疗等行业,设计开发了整套软硬件和内容:如集装箱海陆空体验馆、可穿戴式电脑、重装机甲外骨骼、MR...