Guardian Episode One安卓手机版下载游戏攻略
You are about to guide Maia on a treacherous journey where decisions aren't simply about life and death. The gods are watching Maia very closely, judging her behaviours, weighing her choices. Maia's mana is at stake in many of the moves she will make.
In the context of Guardian, 'Mana' represents Maia's personal and spiritual power, her will, her integrity, her inner strength. Episode One has three different endings depending on what Maia's Mana Score is at the end of the game.
Episode One begins outside a traditional Maori settlement in Fiordland, New Zealand. The people are protected by Guardians, and one guardian, Maia, is censured for her strange nature. While Maia lives outside the settlement, in the forest, her loyalty remains strong to her people as she protects them from hostile outside forces.
Find out what happens next by playing through our interactive fiction novel. Make your choices wisely your health and your mana depends upon it.
Episode One is part one of a trilogy. This is a hybrid historical/science-fiction story that draws on the mythology of the Maori culture in New Zealand. Guardian is also a global story and taps into the universal human need to belong and understand the mysteries of the world.
+ Guardian Episode One is free to play.
+ Interactive fiction with strategy elements.
+ Based on the mythology of the Maori culture with a modern spin
+ Atmospheric soundtracks.
+ Chapter illustrations.
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